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Using Children as Political Props is Disgusting

Using Children as Political Props is Disgusting - Selamat datang di blog Yulia Webs !!, Info kali ini adalah tentang Using Children as Political Props is Disgusting !! Semoga tulisan singkat dengan kategori brainwash !! children !! economics !! f-bombs !! feminism !! gender pay gap !! politics !! potty-mouth !! princesses !! sexual assault !! statistics !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda yang membutuhkan. Dan untuk anda yang baru berkunjung kenal dengan blog sederhana ini, Jangan lupa ikut menyebarluaskan postingan bertema Using Children as Political Props is Disgusting ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut di permudahkan sang khalik yang maha kuasa, Selengkapnya lansung lihat infonya dibawah -->

When I was still in college in what seems like a lifetime ago, there is a particular day that I remember quite vividly. I was walking from the library to my class when I noticed an unusually large gathering of students in the middle of campus. And there was a lot of yelling.

Curiosity got the best of me and I went over to take a look to see what had gotten everyone so excited. It turned out that members of a fringe Christian church, whose name that I don't recall, had decided to visit our campus with placards showing images of aborted fetuses. They called those who were pro-choice “murderous homosexual agents of Satan.”

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They declared that, naturally, such people deserved God's divine punishment, whether that punishment happened to come in the form of an unfortunate car accident or giving birth to deformed children and then literally burning in hell.

I have always found religion to be quite comical; and the nuttier the practitioners, the funnier I found them. I had wanted to stay a little longer to enjoy the spectacle but as I was almost late for class, I decided not to linger among that den of irrational idiots. However, that was when I noticed something. The members of that church had brought their children to their shindig – some who could not have been more than seven or eight years old. They, too, were holding signs. I remember the signs that the children held compared pro-choicers to Nazis.

I found that especially deplorable. For the most part, young children do not yet possess the mental faculties to hold independent thoughts of their own. Therefore, children tend to emulate their parents or other older members of their family or community.

Admittedly, I am not a child psychologist. So I do not know if a child has to be sixteen or eighteen or some other arbitrarily defined age to be able to think independently. However, surely the answer cannot be “eight years old.”

There is a reason why people make such a big deal of child prodigies.  They are very rare.
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My friends and I agreed that the church members were irrational mystics, and we also agreed that using their own young children (who have not developed the necessary cognitive abilities to make up their own minds about something as complex as political rights) as political (or in this case, religious) props was particularly abominable.

Though you, dear reader, were not there, I am sure that it is a position that you can agree with. If not, then, please, explain why you think that brainwashing children is a good thing.

Many years have passed since that warm sunny day on campus. However, in the past few days, those same friends of mine (as well as many random strangers whom I assume would not normally support brainwashing children) who were horrified by the form of child abuse that we had witnessed that day appear to have lost all qualms about it when they saw that children were being used for a political campaign that they happened to agree with.

I am specifically referring to a video on YouTube called “Potty-Mouthed Princesses Drop F-Bombs for Feminism.”

In the video, young girls used plenty of swear words to draw people's attention to the fact that there are things in the world that are far more offensive than children saying “fuck.”

Two things that they focused on particularly were that women are paid 23% less than men, and that one out of five women get raped.

Now I'm no prude and admittedly, I have said worse things when I was their age. So although the very idea of potty-mouthed children can be shocking to some, that's probably because a lot of people have forgotten what they were like when they were children.

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The first problem that I had with the video was the use of young children to drive a political message. Regardless of the intent or the validity of one's political standpoints, I cannot condone the use of young children who are incapable of having their own independent thoughts as political props.

The second problem that I had was with the so-called “facts.”  
For one thing, the point made in the video that women are paid 23% less than men has been debunked. Many, many times.

Here are just a few links that show how many times that myth has been debunked by economists, academics, business leaders, journalists, pollsters, and feminists:

Even I wrote about the topic, which can be found here.

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Then there's the problem with the statistic about one out of five women being raped. That statistic is based on the Campus Sexual Assault Study, which was released in 2007. And this statistic is incredibly unreliable.

For instance, according to this report, the problems of the study were as follows:

  • The survey had a large non-response rate. 
  • Those who had been victimized were more apt to have completed the questionnaire, resulting in an inflated prevalence figure 
  • The definition of sexual assault used in this and other studies was too broad, including unwanted touching, forced kissing, and sexual encounters while intoxicated. 

Of course, there were also other studies that were conducted that revealed similar findings as the Campus Sexual Assault Study. The problem was that they, too, had similar problems.

This is not to say that the problems that the children brought up in the video are not problems. Not being paid the same wage for the same job despite the same qualifications and the same amount of work done IS a serious problem. Regardless of the statistic, rape and violence against women ARE serious problems. But the statistics that were in this video were wrong through and through.

And teaching young children, who do not know any better, such debunked statistics as facts and getting them to challenge “society to stand up and stop it” (gee, I wonder what the word “society” will eventually translate into) is disgusting and immoral. Those people who were responsible for this video, if they are not too busy patting themselves on the back and feeling self-righteous, ought to be ashamed of themselves.

But don't just take it from me. You can always check out this video that was made by the always-brilliant Julie Borowski in response to the video of the potty-mouthed children.

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