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Politicizing the Sewol Tragedy

Politicizing the Sewol Tragedy - Selamat datang di blog Yulia Webs !!, Info kali ini adalah tentang Politicizing the Sewol Tragedy !! Semoga tulisan singkat dengan kategori ahn cheol-soo !! constitution !! election !! korea !! lee myung-bak !! nis !! npad !! park geun-hye !! politicize !! prime minister !! roh moo-hyun !! saenuri !! sewol !! teachers union !! tragedy !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda yang membutuhkan. Dan untuk anda yang baru berkunjung kenal dengan blog sederhana ini, Jangan lupa ikut menyebarluaskan postingan bertema Politicizing the Sewol Tragedy ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut di permudahkan sang khalik yang maha kuasa, Selengkapnya lansung lihat infonya dibawah -->

As soon as I saw the footage of the Sewol sinking, I knew that this was not a topic that I wanted to write about. I was too angry to write about it and I knew that I needed to calm myself to do it justice. But as I found out more about the tragedy, I became even angrier.

The passengers being told to stay put in the lower decks of the ship while the highest ranking crew members abandoned ship even as their passengers were doomed to their fate boiled my blood. The ship’s company knowingly overloading the ship with cargo and the government’s safety inspectors having given the ship a passing grade despite the fact that malfunctioning equipment prevented the deployment of liferafts infuriated me. The news media proving to the world that they were nothing more than glorified stenographers was hardly surprising but just as infuriating.

I am still angry and if I write about the disaster in my current state of mind, I don’t think I could do the departed any justice. So I will not write any more about the sinking or the deaths or their immediate causes and effects. If I ever decide to write about this disaster again, it will only be after the necessary legal proceedings have taken place.

The one thing that I am going to write about is the foulest types of human beings that I have come across thus far in this lamentable story – the politicians.

After the opposition party made calls for the president’s entire cabinet to resign, the Prime Minister accepted the prime minister’s traditional duty of being a convenient scapegoat and resigned(since 2004, Korea has had eightprime ministers). However, in a quick turnabout that can only be found in politics, the opposition claimed that the resignation of the Prime Minister was irresponsible. Representative Ahn Cheol-soo asked rhetorically whether it was appropriate for the National Assembly to confirm a new Prime Minister in the midst of such a crisis, quickly forgetting that it was his party that was initially calling for the entire cabinet to resign.

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Even before people could get accustomed to the opposition’s new narrative, however, there were further calls for the president to resign. Furthermore, the National Assembly decided to to push ahead with a parliamentary investigation into the tragedyeven as there are still people yet to be recovered from the ship.

Never mind that President Park is not an omnipotent or omniscient god who could simply will the ship to resurface. Never mind that despite the initial rescue attempts being botched, it was not as though no attempt was made to rescue the passengers. In fact, a sailorand a civilian diver have so far died in the rescue/recovery attempts. This Wikipedia link also lists the steps that were taken to rescue the passengers.

The latest call for resignation has been aimed at the Director of Veterans Affairs for “comparing the Sewoltragedy with the 9/11 terrorist attack in the United States.”

Or at least that’s the charge that the opposition partyis making. What the director actually said was:

The president and the government are being made to unfairly suffer over the sinking of the Sewol. Whenever something bad happens, the first thing that people do is to attack the president and the government. When the United States faces a crisis, Americans unite but we attack the government and the president. In the case of the United States, right after the 9/11 terror attacks, President Bush’s approval ratings shot up to 90%.”

The man basically whined about the opposition giving his party a hard time; and apparently he is not aware of the lack of political unity that has defined American politics since the 9/11 attacks. It was a childish, impudent, and foolish statement to make, which indeed deserved rebuke. But calls for his resignation stink of an opposition party that has gone mad with political opportunism in the face of by-elections to be held in June.

The opposition party’s official name is the New Politics Alliance for Democracy Party(새정치민주연합당). There does not seem to be anything new about the opposition party’s politics.

Nothing ever seems to change in politics
Image Source

As despicable as the politicians may be, however, they seem like paragons of virtue compared to political groups (whose behavior is very similar to political action committees in the United States).

In a “tribute video” that was uploaded by the Korean Teachers’ Union, the narrator likened the students on board the Sewolto Kim Ju-yeol, a student who was killed by a tear-gas shell in 1960. The narrator in the video made sure to mention that the young man was killed by the Rhee Syngman administration. The narrator continued to liken them to Park Jong-chul, a student who was tortured and killed in 1987. The narrator made sure to mention that he was killed by the Chun Doo-hwan administration.

The narrator also went on to mention that those who were most responsible for the students’ death was former President Lee Myung-bak and President Park Geun-hye.

As for President Lee, it was his supposedly neo-liberal policies that allowed the Chonghaejin Marine Company, which owned the Sewol, to buy such an old ship in the first place (the ship was originally built in 1994). For her part, President Park is to blame because the deaths of the students is the result of her administration’s “murderous incompetence.”