Yulia Webs Bloggers !!

Are you happy? Are you peaceful?

Are you happy? Are you peaceful?

Every time you are unhappy, miserable or disturbed, you are coming in touch with your own boundaries. What can you do about it? You can fee...
The secret behind your cravings

The secret behind your cravings

The association of a particular sense object over and over again creates a sense of craving for it. If you are used to drinking coffee every...
How do you become more grateful?

How do you become more grateful?

First of all drop this more. More devotion, more gratitude, more joy, more happiness, we need to drop this, ‘I want more and more'. Firs...
Yoga - The best app for life!

Yoga - The best app for life!

Yoga is the way to realize the ultimate truth referred to in Vedanta and universal energy field in Quantum physics. The sublime and impercep...
Lord Shiva as Nataraja - Part I

Lord Shiva as Nataraja - Part I

In the history of Mankind, the most beautiful  Tattva  (a fundamental underlying element or principle) that has been conceived or discovered...
Once two villagers were sitting under a tree and watching the sunset.  They were very close friends. After sitting quietly for some time, on...
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