Yulia Webs Bloggers !!

Worship - A Sign of Maturity

Worship - A Sign of Maturity

For a flame to rise, you need space above it. In the same way, for a man to rise up in his life, he needs an ideal, he needs something to ad...
Are you happy? Are you peaceful?

Are you happy? Are you peaceful?

Every time you are unhappy, miserable or disturbed, you are coming in touch with your own boundaries. What can you do about it? You can fee...
Defining Spirituality

Defining Spirituality

Spirituality to me, is very basic to life. We are made of both matter and spirit. Our body is made up of carbohydrates, amino acids, protein...
When an atheist comes to the Guru...

When an atheist comes to the Guru...

Atheism is when you do not believe either in values or in the abstract. When an atheist comes to the Guru, what happens? You start experienc...
How does one get rid of hatred

How does one get rid of hatred

Put yourself in the shoes of the person you hate. A youth came to me once and said, “I hate my uncle, I cannot stand him”. I said, “Okay, yo...
Dealing with friends and enemies

Dealing with friends and enemies

What do we get upset with? We don’t get upset with the birds, or the clouds, or with Nature. We don’t get upset with the environment. So, wh...
5 Ways to Experience Meditation

5 Ways to Experience Meditation

Getting back to that serenity which is our original nature is meditation. Absolute joy and happiness is meditation. A pleasure minus excitem...
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