Korea confers Gwanghwa Medal on Indonesian official By Korea.net Honorary Reporter Magdalena Krisnawati Photos = Magdalena Krisnawati and Korean Embassy in Jakarta The government of Korea has ...
Eight astonishing tendencies of the mind When the mind dies, love dawns. Whenever there is love, the mind dies and this is painful. That is why love always brings pain with it. Som...
Finding success in Love Love is not a business. Love is not a career. love is not even an act. So there is no success or failure in love. Love is your very nature! ...
Links of the Day (April 9th, 2015) It is always quite odd to see the New York Times post something that makes sense in their op-ed pages: The Real Reason College Tuition Costs...
What gentlemen says and what they thinks In 2012 , in an attempt to “help” small retailers, the Korean government passed the SSM Regulation Law. SSMs refer to “super supermarkets,” ...
Widespread Gender Discrimination in the Workplace? It is impossible to say with a straight face that sexism does not exist in the workplace. I have seen casual sexism firsthand where the indi...
Enslaved Workers vs. Blood-Sucking Employers? There is an organization called Labor 411 , which I came to learn of through my Facebook newsfeed. When I checked out the organization...
The Korean Wave and the Broken Window Fallacy They are beautiful and relatively clean looking. Though they often push the envelope in regards to what might be considered too risque to b...
Let Them Sell Kidneys! Let us presume for a moment that a family member whom you love very much has been diagnosed with lymphoma , which requires a large amount of...