Yulia Webs Bloggers !!

Message on New Year - 2018

Message on New Year - 2018

There are three principles that are closely interlinked – Time, Mind, and Events. None of the three are stagnant, they change. Time, Mind, a...
Truth and Lies

Truth and Lies

What is a lie? Something which keeps changing is called a lie. If you said something yesterday, and today you say something else, then that ...
Managing time

Managing time

Don’t let time manage you. First of all, you must see to it that you go with the feeling that you have time.  When you put this thought in y...
Are we slaves of our mind?

Are we slaves of our mind?

Three things affect our mind - time, the company we keep and the food we eat Our body changes with time. Time also has an impact on the mind...
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