Understanding the Chakras and Kundalini Energy There is consciousness present within our whole body, and it is divided in the upper and lower halves of the body. This divine force or cons...
How should one handle criticism? If the criticism is superficial, then let it be. It is one of the Navarasas (the nine emotions, which are, love, laughter, compassion, an...
5 Ways to Experience Meditation Getting back to that serenity which is our original nature is meditation. Absolute joy and happiness is meditation. A pleasure minus excitem...
If your emotions are shaken, let them be shaken as much as they can be... ...you know, there is nothing called compassion here. In higher knowledge, compassion is stupidity. Why? You can be compassionate only to so...
6 ways to make your relationship work If you know how to row a boat, you can row any boat. But if you don’t know how to row, changing boats isn’t going to help. Similarly, changi...
Free yourself from the storm of emotions Life is found to be caught up in storms so very often. And you are not yourself when you are in a storm. You don’t know what to do. At thos...
Looking beyond the Known The mature intellect brings forth devotion that is always in awe of creation. When something is unfathomable, the intellect is in awe. When ...
Transcending your feelings We can transcend feelings easily when we know that there is something which is much more basic to life than feelings, and that is the self; ...