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How does one deal with anger?

How does one deal with anger?

First, create some space for imperfection in life. Do not expect everyone to be perfect overnight. It will take some time for you to get to ...
How to deal with blame

How to deal with blame

There is a very beautiful poem in Kannada that says: “What do you say to a person who is scared of noise but has built his house in the mark...
5 Tips to Get Past the Blame Game

5 Tips to Get Past the Blame Game

When you get angry or you blame somebody, you feel a heavy load on your head. You feel uncomfortable inside, and you spread unpleasant feeli...
6 ways to make your relationship work

6 ways to make your relationship work

If you know how to row a boat, you can row any boat. But if you don’t know how to row, changing boats isn’t going to help. Similarly, changi...
Dealing with blame

Dealing with blame

When someone blames you, what do you usually do? Blame them back or you put up resistance in yourself. When someone blames you, they actuall...
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